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How to access Vuex module getters and mutations?

I'm trying to switch to using Vuex instead of my homegrown store object, and I must say I'm not finding the docs as clear as elsewhere in the Vue.js world. Let's say I have a Vuex module called 'products', with its own state, mutations, getters, etc. How do I reference an action in that module called, say, 'clearWorking Data'? The docs give this example of accessing a module's state:

store.state.a // -> moduleA's state

But nothing I can see about getters, mutations, actions, etc.


  • In your example it would be store.dispatch('products/clearWorkingData') you can think of actions/mutations as a file system in a way. The deeper the modules are nested the deeper in the tree they are.

    so you could go store.commit('first/second/third/method') if you had a tree that was three levels deep.