I'm currently fiddling around with python and cocos2D
and i wanted to make a simple display with indented space much like this
import cocos
from cocos.director import director
class MyLayer(cocos.layer.Layer):
def __init__(self):
#Setting the coordinate for the base layer
self.x = 200
self.y = 100
#A first layer of text
x_basic_text = 0
y_basic_text = 0
self.basic_text = cocos.text.Label("Unindented text", x=x_basic_text, y=y_basic_text )
#A second layer of text
y_indent_text = -20 #So that it doesn't squeeze with the basic text layer
x_indent_text = self.basic_text.width/3 #which doesn't work since layers have no width attribute
self.indent_text = cocos.text.Label("Indented text", x=x_indent_text, y=y_indent_text )
director.run( MyLayer() )
What i want to do is display the second label below the first, and moved one third of the first label to the right.
Does anyone know how i could get the width of the first label to do so ?
Edit : Here's the issue with the answer from the devs as to why there's no clear access.
The best fit seems to be
From a quick view at the library it seems that this was forgotten to be exposed. Also in their API this parameter is not documented at all.