We have a Static Map in shared addin (Word, Outlook) to store some cache information while application is running as follows:
public static class GlobalVariables
//Key constants
public static string USER_ACTION = "userAction";
//private methods
private static Dictionary<string, Object> globalMap = new Dictionary<string, object>();
public static Dictionary<string, Object> GlobalMap
set { globalMap = value; }
get { return globalMap; }
public static Object get(string key)
// custom Implementation
public static void Add(string key, Object obj)
//custom implementation
We have a use case where We use Outlook for sending mail and perform some operation on mail send as follows:
private void adxOutlookAppEvents_ItemSend(object sender, ADXOlItemSendEventArgs e)
Outlook._MailItem mailItem = e.Item as Outlook._MailItem;
string action = (string)GlobalVariables.get(GlobalVariables.USER_ACTION);
if (false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(action))
catch (CustomeMessageException ex)
catch (Exception ex)
But in adxOutlookAppEvents_ItemSend() when I try to get GlobalMap it returns null. As far as I know Static variable are accessible across threads. Is It because inter application communication? Why GlobalMap return null when I try to access it?
I would appreciate any help
COM addins are implemented as dlls loaded by each host process (outlook.exe, msword.exe, etc.). No classes are ever shared between two running processes. You need to come up with a different storage mechanism (registry? file system?) to share common data.