P.S.: No, I do not want to debug my script. It is pretty awesome.
The problem is the application under test. If I place a few orders, it crashes. So what I want to do is: mid-execution, when I see that the application is crashed, I want to pause the test script, bring the application back up and running, and then resume the test.
I know that this is not the point of time when I should be running the test scripts as the application is not stable enough, but the developers are working on it and hopefully soon enough, they will fix it. I am just curious to know if there is a solution, because I couldn't find one. Of course I could've integrated bringing the application up again when it crashes in my tests, but that is not what I want to do.
My system:
OS: Linux Mint
Tests: Watir (Ruby) + Cucumber on Chrome
I run the tests on linux terminal using cucumber tags.
I just want to know in general if there is any way to pause and resume execution. For example, when I want to stop all the tests, I give the command line interruption Ctrl + C. So is there any such interrupt command to pause and resume?
Okay, since you want a "general" answer, here goes...
Based on your context, you are looking for a "crashed" condition in your project.
My own approach to solving this problem would involve writing a helper method that would look for this condition and, if true, it would "pause". For example...
def pause_if_crashed
sleep 30 if @browser.product_price.nil?
Then I would sprinkle this helper method in likely "crash" spots in my other functional methods.
Without more specifics about your needs, this is about as helpful as I can get, I think.