I have one activity with one RecyclerView (SuperSlim library) and a detail activity, when I click a item of that list, detail activity will be open. The problem is when I go back, I'm trying to set the clicked element as the first visible element in the list but I get this horrible animation:
This is my onActivityReenter()
public void onActivityReenter(int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityReenter(resultCode, data);
Log.d(TAG, "onActivityReenter() called with: resultCode = [" + resultCode + "], data = [" + data + "]");
mTmpReenterState = new Bundle(data.getExtras());
int startingPosition = mTmpReenterState.getInt(EXTRA_STARTING_ITEM_POSITION);
int currentPosition = mTmpReenterState.getInt(EXTRA_CURRENT_ITEM_POSITION);
mRecycler.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() {
public boolean onPreDraw() {
// TODO: figure out why it is necessary to request layout here in order to get a smooth transition.
return true;
And my SharedElementCallback:
private final SharedElementCallback exitTransitionCallBack = new SharedElementCallback() {
public void onMapSharedElements(List<String> names, Map<String, View> sharedElements) {
if (mTmpReenterState == null) {
// If mTmpReenterState is null, then the activity is exiting.
View navigationBar = findViewById(android.R.id.navigationBarBackground);
View statusBar = findViewById(android.R.id.statusBarBackground);
if (navigationBar != null) {
sharedElements.put(navigationBar.getTransitionName(), navigationBar);
if (statusBar != null) {
sharedElements.put(statusBar.getTransitionName(), statusBar);
} else {
int startingPosition = mTmpReenterState.getInt(EXTRA_STARTING_ITEM_POSITION);
int currentPosition = mTmpReenterState.getInt(EXTRA_CURRENT_ITEM_POSITION);
if (startingPosition != currentPosition) {
// If startingPosition != currentPosition the user must have swiped to a
// different page in the DetailsActivity. We must update the shared element
// so that the correct one falls into place.
sharedElements.put("number", mLayoutManager.findViewByPosition(currentPosition).findViewById(R.id.text_number));
sharedElements.put("day", mLayoutManager.findViewByPosition(currentPosition).findViewById(R.id.text_day));
sharedElements.put("recycler", mLayoutManager.findViewByPosition(currentPosition + 1).findViewById(R.id.recycler));
mTmpReenterState = null;
I think the problem is that the activity try to make an animation from the original item position to the top to the list, but I don't know how avoid that.
Does anyone know how to fix this??
Thanks in advance guys!!!
After a while I've realized that the problem that I was updating the Main Activity list with a notifyItemChanged(int)
by LocalBroadcast
and the standard recyclerView
animation made that glitch. I solve the problem using:
because the standard didn't work
((SimpleItemAnimator) RecyclerView.getItemAnimator())
So the problem is nothing to do with SharedElements