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Using realm in the main app and a library

I'm trying to use Realm in a library and in the main app and it keeps complaining that the models in the main app are not part of the schema. I've basically implemented everything in a similar manner to the example provided by Realm and I've got exactly the same issue.


io.realm.exceptions.RealmException: class package.models.User is not part of the schema for this Realm.
at io.realm.internal.RealmProxyMediator.getMissingProxyClassException(
at io.realm.RealmModuleMediator.getTableName(
at io.realm.RealmSchema.getTable(
at io.realm.Realm.checkHasPrimaryKey(
at io.realm.Realm.copyToRealmOrUpdate(      

The error is triggered as soon as I try to save something to Realm - i.e. after log in I'm trying to save the user's details and it crashes.

In my application class for the main app I've got this code

public void onCreate() {
    this.mPrefs = getSharedPreferences(Constants.SHARED_PREFERENCES, 0);

    instance = this;

    // initialisations
    config = new AppConfig(mPrefs);

    this.realm = Realm.getInstance(getRealmConfig());

public Realm getLibraryRealm(Object module, String name){
    RealmConfiguration config = new RealmConfiguration.Builder()
    return Realm.getInstance(config);

public RealmConfiguration getRealmConfig(){
    return new RealmConfiguration.Builder()
            .modules(new RealmModule())

Then in the library I try to get a Realm instance as follows:

 AppDataAccessor app = (AppDataAccessor) getApplication();
 Realm realm = app.getRealm(new RealmModule(), Constants.REALM_NAME);

Worth mentioning that AppDataAccessor is an interface which is implemented by my application class.

Also, both the main app and the library have Realm Modules defined as follows:

@io.realm.annotations.RealmModule(library = true, classes = { DataSet.class, Field.class, Form.class })
public class RealmModule {

and for the main app:

@io.realm.annotations.RealmModule(classes = {Notification.class, User.class})
public class RealmModule {

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!


  • I found the problem this morning.

    I was defining a RealmModule for the main app and for the library. It's only necessary for the library.