I extract the features of an image with ResNet of the 'res5c'
layer, resulting of a numpy array of shape (2048, 14, 14)
I have trouble manipulating these dimensions. I understand there is 14*14 features of size 2048. I would like to iterate over to access every feature at a time.
Therefore, how I can reshape this to an array of (14*14, 2048) without mistakes and then easily iterate over it with a for loop?
You can read the features after net.forward()
feat = net.blobs['res5c'].data.cop() # copy to be on the safe side.
As you describe, feat
is an np.array
with shape = (2048, 14, 14)
You can reshape
feat.reshape((2048,-1)) # fix the first dimension to 2048, -1 set the number of features to match that of `feat`.
Now you can iterate over features:
for fi in xrange(feat.shape[1]):
f = feat[:,fi] # get the fi-th feature
# do somethinf to the feature f