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How to read a data frame PC serial over PIC UART

I am trying to receive a frame having data from PC to PIC12F1572 over UART My objective is to make a code to receive the data like RGBFF0000\n which is the RGB LED configuration..Anyone has Idea about how to do it..I have done some code but I want to make it logically correct. I use PIC12F1572 and MPLAB V3.50 Code ,correction and hints are highly appreciated Thanks in advance Here is my code:

#include "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h"

uint8_t buffer[AT_COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t i = 0;
uint8_t receivedByte ;
                         Main application
/*-----------------R.E.C.E.I.V.E.R PIC------------*/
void main(void)
    // initialize the device

    INTERRUPT_GlobalInterruptEnable();      // Enable the Global Interrupts
    INTERRUPT_PeripheralInterruptEnable();     // Enable the Peripheral Interrupts

    // Disable the Global Interrupts

    // Disable the Peripheral Interrupts

    while (1)
     if ( UART_DataReady() )            // If data is received,
          receivedByte = EUSART_Read();
          for (i = 0; i<20 ; i++)
            if ( receivedByte == '')
                //My pb is how to start to check the data received over UART RX





  • You are sending new line character \n at the end of each command, So read recievedByte up to \n and store it in a new array. Then set a flag to show a valid command reception. After processing the new command clear this flag.

     if ( UART_DataReady() )            // If data is received,
            receivedByte = EUSART_Read();
            for (i = 0; i<20 ; i++)
                if ( receivedByte != '\n')
                    data[i] = receivedByte;
                    data[i] = '\0';
                    data_flag = 1;