I'm using COM for generate word document from PHP. i have a big issue when convert character for send to word bookmark template generating useless Chinese character and some number.
here is what i have string value in php - Brüel & Kjær
this is the text of word document after generate - Brüel & Kjær1墄
here is my converting way in php:
$text="Brüel & Kjær";
$text = iconv(mb_detect_encoding($text, mb_detect_order(), true), "UTF-8",$text);
$text = htmlspecialchars_decode($text);
$text=html_entity_decode($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8');
this is how adding COM bookmark variable to value :
$PHPWord = new COM("word.application", NULL, CP_UTF8);
$bookmark = $PHPWord->ActiveDocument->Bookmarks("bookmark1");
$bookmark = $bookmark->Range;
$PHPWord->Documents[1]->SaveAs('temp/' . $template);
i beleve the character converting issue in my code. but i searched on internet, i couldn't found working solution for my problem. can you please help to solve this.
is their way to send html to this bookmark or any convert ??
OMG almost done with this :
$text="Brüel & Kjær";
$PHPWord = new COM("word.application", NULL, CP_UTF8);
replaced to :
$PHPWord = new COM("word.application");
$bookmark = $PHPWord->ActiveDocument->Bookmarks("bookmark1");
$bookmark = $bookmark->Range;
$PHPWord->Documents[1]->SaveAs('temp/' . $template);