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Altering arrays of different dimensions to be broadcasted together

I am looking for a more optimized way to convert a (n,n) or (n,n,1) matrix to a (n,n,3) matrix. I start out with an (n,n,3), but my dimensions get reduced after I perform a sum over the second axis to (n,n). Essentially, I want to keep the original size of the array and have the second axis just repeated 3 times. The reason I need this is that I will later be broadcasting it with another (n,n,3) array, but they need the same dimensions.

My current method works, but does not seem elegant.


This setup has the desired result, but is clunky and hard to follow. Is there perhaps a way to go directly from an (n,n) to an (n,n,3) by duplicating the second index? or perhaps a way to not downsize the array to begin with?


  • None or np.newaxis is a common way of adding a dimension to an array. reshape with (3,3,1) works just as well:

    In [64]: arr=np.arange(9).reshape(3,3)
    In [65]: arr1 = arr[...,None]
    In [66]: arr1.shape
    Out[66]: (3, 3, 1)

    repeat as function or method replicates this.

    In [72]: arr2=arr1.repeat(3,axis=2)
    In [73]: arr2.shape
    Out[73]: (3, 3, 3)
    In [74]: arr2[0,0,:]
    Out[74]: array([0, 0, 0])

    But you might not need to do this. With broadcasting a (3,3,1) works with a (3,3,3).

    In [75]: (arr1+arr2).shape
    Out[75]: (3, 3, 3)

    In fact it will broadcast with a (3,) to produce (3,3,3).

    In [77]: arr1+np.ones(3,int)
    array([[[1, 1, 1],
            [2, 2, 2],
           [[7, 7, 7],
            [8, 8, 8],
            [9, 9, 9]]])

    So arr1+np.zeros(3,int) is another way of expanding that (3,3,1) to (3,3,3).

    The broadcasting rules are:

    (3,3,1) + (3,) => (3,3,1) + (1,1,3) => (3,3,3)

    broadcasting adds dimensions at the start as needed.

    When you sum on an axis, you can keep the original number of dimensions with a parameter:

    In [78]: arr2.sum(axis=2).shape
    Out[78]: (3, 3)
    In [79]: arr2.sum(axis=2, keepdims=True).shape
    Out[79]: (3, 3, 1)

    This is handy if you want to subtract the mean from an array along any dimension:

    arr2-arr2.mean(axis=2, keepdims=True)