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Converting comp-3 back to a human readable format

I have the information, that a PIC S9(4) field is encoded with comp-3. I also have a data file which contains data (in my case about a customer). When I open the data file using notepad++, it show's me chars like "DLE", "BEL" or "NUL", which leads me to this table. First off, can you explay to me, what "comp-3" does? And how do I convert it back into a human readable format / data using c# for example (having both files as an input)?


  • Comp-3 format

    in Comp-3 format

    value     comp-3 (hex)
     123        x'123c'
    -123        x'123d'

    There are a lot existing questions

    If this is a mainframe file and has been converted to ASCII; it will not be use-able !!!. The 2nd answer in COBOL COMP-3 number format issue gives a good example of corruption of a Comp-3 when doing a ascii conversion.

    Mainframe issues

    If it is from the mainframe, The problems you face:

    1. You must do a binary Transfer
    2. You have to read Mainframe file structures (e.g. FB records will be fixed length records; no cr/lf).
    3. you need to convert the packed decimal.

    Mainframe Options

    The best option is to do the conversion on the mainframe / Cobol and transfer a Text file.

    Alternatively There are projects like coboltocsv which will convert a Cobol file to Csv using a Cobol Copybook.

    Converting comp-3

    As far as converting comp-3 that is easy enough. There are 2 approaches

    1. Convert the Hex to a Hex-String (i.e. convert x'123c' --> "123C) and check the last sign character. See COMP-3 data unpacking in Java (Embedded in Pentaho)

    2. Break the field into a series of nybles