I am using python 3.6 and nothing is working for me. I just can't install any of the tools for creating an executable. I tried cx_freeze, using pip had Visual C++ errors which I fixed and then it had more errors so I downloaded a wheel and that installed and in my Scripts folder there are three cxfreeze related files, none of which are batch files and when I run 'cxfreeze' in cmd it just says it is not recognised. For some reason python is installed in appdata/local/programs... but that is set in my path so I cannot see how that doesn't work. I tried pyinstaller with both pip and the download and nothing but errors about pypiwin32 which I can't get because of some other errors.
I do not know what is happening and I do not know what to do about all of this. Can someone just help me get a tool working to create an executable please. Is this because I am using python 3.6?
Try py2app (if you are on a mac) or py2exe (if you are on a windows). The setup is relatively easy.