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How to create an entity in Apache Olingo?

OData's official tutorial shows how to create an entity:

I want to reproduce this within Apache Olingo using Templier's tutorial on manipulating data of OData v4 services with Olingo (

Unfortunately, this tutorial is outdated and I am not able to create a successful POST request. Trying to execute my code yields HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error.

This is my code so far:

String serviceRoot = "";    
String namespace = "Microsoft.OData.SampleService.Models.TripPin";

URI personURI = client.newURIBuilder(serviceRoot)
FullQualifiedName personFqn = new FullQualifiedName(namespace, "Person");

ClientEntity personEntity = client.getObjectFactory().newEntity(personFqn);     
//same procedure for "FirstName" and "LastName", which are obligatory fields

ODataEntityCreateRequest<ClientEntity> req = client.getCUDRequestFactory().getEntityCreateRequest(personURI,personEntity);
ODataEntityCreateResponse<ClientEntity> res = req.execute();

What am I doing wrong? What can I do, to further identify/ debug the problem?

Thank you very much.


  • I think that property names are case-sensitive, so try using UserName instead of username. Also, you could use Fiddler in order to debug your issues. This is the error for your use case:

    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error - {"error":{"code":"InternalServerError","message":"The property 'UserName[Nullable=False]' of type 'Edm.String' has a null value