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qt - cannot add more than one struct onto a qlist


p.s.I know this is a specific question, but I am at a loss, and have no idea why this is happening

The algorithm below should add a struct to a list. Each struct is a server_connection object, and the receiving list, is contained within another struct named VPN_Server.

When adding the struct to the list, it holds only the very first struct added, and does not add any more.

This is confirmed by the debugger window:

for each new IP, a new VPN_Server struct is created and a new server_connection is created and push_back'ed onto the ServerInstancesList list. But when in the foreach loop, attempting to add the object is fruitless.


When pushing a server_connection object onto a specific VPN_Server struct, it holds this data in the temporary foreach container, but does not apply it.

I Have tried:

  1. adding a custom addConnection() method to the VPN_Server struct

    void addConnection(server_connection s_con){ ServerInstancesList.push_back(s_con); }

  2. Creating a temporary list, adding the server_connection and creating a new VPN_server object, and setting that equal to the current foreach container.

None of these help.

Testing & Indepth description:

In the algorithm, my 1st and 3rd vpn_connection struct have the same IP. On the third iteration, the foreach loop is executed and the following occurs.

VPN_Server ser contains info of the 1st struct info, i.e. an IP and one object in its QList<server_connection> called ServerInstancesList.

ser has an object added, via the addConnection(s_con). Afterwards, the loop is terminated with the return. However ser registered the added object, while outside the foreach loop, no new object was added. Not even to any struct within the list.

It seems to be an easy fix, but I just cannot find it,

help would be appreciated!



struct server_connection{

    //Is a connection contained by IP

    QString cipher,protocol;
    int port;
    bool lzo_compression;


    server_connection(QString _cipher, QString _protocol, int _port, bool _comp){
        cipher = _cipher;
        protocol = _protocol;
        port = _port;
        lzo_compression = _comp;


struct VPN_Server{

    //Holds IP as sort value and list of connection info
    QString VPN_IP;
    QList<server_connection> ServerInstancesList;

        ServerInstancesList = QList<server_connection>();

    VPN_Server(QString ip, QList<server_connection> server_con_list){
        VPN_IP = ip;
        ServerInstancesList = server_con_list;

    void addConnection(server_connection s_con){


QList<VPN_Server> data_mananger::parseVPNConnections(QList<VPNConnection> l){

    //Init var
    QList<VPN_Server> server_list = QList<VPN_Server>();
    VPNConnection v_con;
    bool bAdded = false;
    server_connection s_con;

    //processing all vpn_connections, this is raw form sent, contains as fields, ip, cipher, protocol, port, compression
    foreach (v_con, l) {

        //create server_connection - data sorted by ip
        s_con = server_connection(v_con.cipher, v_con.protocol, v_con.port, v_con.lzo_compression);

        //pass through existing data, checking for a matching ip
        foreach (VPN_Server ser, server_list) {
            if (ser.VPN_IP == v_con.ip) {
                //ip match found -> there already exists and ip with a server connection, adding another one with s_con
                bAdded = true;
                //break current loop short searching for a matching ip

        //bAdded = false -> no matching IP has been found, thus creating a nw VPNServer
        if (!bAdded) {
            VPN_Server serv;
            //creating new connection list and adding s_con to this list
            QList<server_connection> list = QList<server_connection>();

            //adding VPNServer to list containing VPNServers
            serv = VPN_Server(v_con.ip, list);
            //data has been added, reseting add flag
            bAdded = false;

    return server_list;


  • Thanks to all who helped!

    Please visit the link to the QT forums below and give a thumbs up to VRonin for his solution.

    Also kudo's to @YuriyIvaskevych for helping me here on SO!

    So to reiterate (budum tsss*) the doc page

    Qt automatically takes a copy of the container when it enters a foreach loop. If you modify the container as you are iterating, that won't affect the loop. [...] using a non-const reference for the variable does not allow you to modify the original container

    Solution: created by @VRonin from

    for (auto serIter= server_list.begin(); serIter!=server_list.end(); ++serIter) {
        if (serIter->VPN_IP == v_con.ip) {
            //ip match found -> there already exists and ip with a server connection, adding another one with s_con
            bAdded = true;
            //break current loop short searching for a matching ip