I'm looking for a way to do a specific treatment when a delayed_job failed on my rails app. I don't know if it's possible, and how I can configure DelayedJob for that.
I saw that I can add the error
method for one specific job, but I want something similar for all jobs.
Any ideas?
I would suggest you to use a Delayed::Plugin
and follow this tutorial:
You will be able to trigger an event for any job failure across your app.
For instance:
require 'airbrake'
require 'delayed_job'
class AirbrakePlugin < Delayed::Plugin
callbacks do |lifecycle|
lifecycle.around(:invoke_job) do |job, *args, &block|
# Forward the call to the next callback in the callback chain
block.call(job, *args)
rescue Exception => error
:error_class => error.class.name,
:error_message => "#{error.class.name}: #{error.message}",
:backtrace => error.backtrace,
:parameters => {
:failed_job => job.inspect
# Make sure we propagate the failure!
raise error