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How to disable hints in Dev C++?

I have Bloodshed Dev C++

Every time I stop typing for a second this hint pops up and I can't see a thing what I'm typing! I have a feeling that it waits for a most unsuitable moment to pop up. Then it disappears in 2 secs, or, sometimes, whenever it wants.

dev c plus plus hint tooltip

Is there a way to disable it? (haven't found one in the settings)


  • I never used Dev-C++, but from searching on the Net I found two links:

    In the first, it says that in version they added an option for mouse hints disabling - maybe it will work for keyboard, too.

    In the second link, they say disabling "class browsing" will work for a similar issue - might not be what you want (as it probably disables everything), but give it a try.