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How to serve static file and give its path to one user?

I am using jsmodeler ( to show 3d models on my site. The only options for the user to select a file are through filepicker and through putting the path to the file in the url (ie http://localhost:3000/ModelView# I would like to send a file through my node js server and then load the file into the viewer.

I think I need to put the path to the file that I am serving into the url and refresh the page? But how do I get this path? It should only be available to one user so I cannot put it in the public folder!

Say I send it with


This does not send the path to the file right? I'm also worried that even if I get the path, when I refresh the page at the new url, the file will not be there anymore.

UPDATE: So I am thinking when the model is saved on my server, I will save it in the public folder, but under a random number, ie "path/1982746/model.obj". That way no one can just type the model into the url. Is this safe, or can someone easily see all the files that are public?


  • Yes the random number would help obfuscate the file from other users. You can upload the file to a node server using 'multipart/form-data' in the post request and save it in a location. Once saved, you can do something like


    On the redirected page, you can form the appropriate path and load the file as it was any other file in your server directory.