I use Crypto++ library. I have a base64 string saved as CString. I want to convert my string to Integer. actually this base64 built from an Integer and now i want to convert to Integer again.but two Integer not equal.in the other words second Integer not equal with original Integer.
Base64Decoder bd;
CT2CA s(c);
std::string strStd(s);
bd.Put((byte*)strStd.data(), strStd.size());
word64 size = bd.MaxRetrievable();
vector<byte> cypherVector(size);
string decoded;
if (size && size <= SIZE_MAX)
bd.Get((byte*)decoded.data(), decoded.size());
Integer cipherMessage((byte*)decoded.data(), decoded.size());
string decoded; if (size && size <= SIZE_MAX) { decoded.resize(size); bd.Get((byte*)decoded.data(), decoded.size()); }
You have a string called decoded
, but you never actually decode the data by running it through a Base64Decoder
Use something like the following. I don't have a MFC project handy to test, so I'm going to assume you converted the CString
to a std::string
// Converted from Unicode CString
std::string str;
StringSource source(str, true, new Base64Decoder);
Integer value(val, source.MaxRetrievable());
std::cout << std::hex << value << std::endl;
The StringSource
is a BufferedTransformation
. The Integer
constructor you are using is:
Integer (BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t byteCount, Signedness sign=UNSIGNED, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
In between the StringSource
and the Integer
is the Base64Decoder
. its a filter that decodes the string on the fly. So data flows from the source (StringSource
) to the sink (Integer
Also see Pipelines on the Crypto++ wiki.