I have been trying to look for a solution to include braintrees drop in UI in my angular2 app, but I cannot find a suitable one. I looked at this angular2/braintree solution but it says at the top that this is no longer maintained and refers the visitor to the braintree website. I have no trouble initializing the credit card form, but when I send the payment_nonce to the server, the value is null.
Does anybody have a suggestion or refer to an example of how to include braintrees drop in ui in an angular2 app? Thanks!
As mentioned in the comment, this was an ugly solution. But I was able to get the token with onPaymentMethodReceived, and then I added that value to a hidden input and sent the form to the server. My form has special requirements so I had to use the ngNoForm attribute.
<input id="nonce" type="text" hidden [(ngModel)]="nonce" name="nonce">
ngOnInit() {
var url = window.location.href;
var id = this.getEmployeeUserId(url);
this.employeeId = id;
this.day30Price = data._addAmount;
this.day60Price = data._add2month;
this.day90Price = data._add3month;
var id = res._body;
braintree.setup(id, 'dropin', {
container: 'dropin-container',
onPaymentMethodReceived: function (obj) {
document.getElementById("nonce").value = obj.nonce;
var myForm = document.getElementById("myForm");