with JxMaps I can show a Google-Map window within Java Swing.
When zooming in, Google shows much details as Restaurants and Shops. I also can click on those Restaurants and Shops - but that's something I don't want to have in my application.
Anyone having an idea on how to disable it?
I think it might be possible when setting map options:
// Getting the associated map object
map = getMap();
// Creating a map options object
MapOptions mapOptions = new MapOptions();
// Creating a map type control options object
MapTypeControlOptions controlOptions = new MapTypeControlOptions();
// Changing position of the map type control
// Setting map type control options
// Setting map options
But I cant find an appropriate option.
Thank you very much
MapOptions doesn't have property that allows to hide POI. But you can create custom map style with hidden default POI. Please take a look example below:
MapTypeStyler styler = new MapTypeStyler();
MapTypeStyle style = new MapTypeStyle();
style.setStylers(new MapTypeStyler[]{styler});
StyledMapType styledMap = new StyledMapType(map, new MapTypeStyle[]{style});
map.mapTypes().set("newStyle", styledMap);
map.setMapTypeId(new MapTypeId("newStyle"));