my first question in stack overflow!
Quick overview of my question: I use autotool to generate a C program. When I use make command, I meet the error:
No rule to make target `../lib_foo/libfoo.a', needed by `mistery_foo'. Stop.
Something detail of my questions:
I am doing an assignment of my teacher, in which I should use GNU autotool to generate a very simple C program.
File structure: /project: main, lib_foo,,
/project/main: main.c, main.h,
/project/lib_foo: foo.c, foo.h,
Following is what I write for and
I. "project/":
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9 foreign])
AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include <mistery.h>]],\
[[ mistery_value(1);]])],\
AC_SEARCH_LIBS([mistery_value],[magic vadoo mistery],[],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Libraries (mistery, magic, vadoo) not found])])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile lib_foo/Makefile main/Makefile])
P.S. the AC_COMPLIE_IFELSE is used to judge the number of the parameters in function mistery_value(). I think it has nothing to do with the error.
II. project/
SUBDIRS = main lib_foo
III. project/main/
LDADD = ../lib_foo/libfoo.a
mydir = ../uselessbin
my_PROGRAMS = mistery_foo
mistery_foo_SOURCES = main.c main.h
mistery_foo_LDADD = ../lib_foo/libfoo.a
IV. project/lib_foo/
noinst_LIBRARIES = libfoo.a
libfoo_a_SOURCES = foo.c foo.h
Then I run with the order of commands:
>cd project
> aclocal
> autoheader
> automake -a
> autoconf
> ./configure
> make
> make install
> ./uselessbin/mistery_foo
When I run make command, I got the error:
No rule to make target `../lib_foo/libfoo.a', needed by `mistery_foo'. Stop.
I suppose the problem may be that I don't have libfoo.a properly installed. But the library libfoo.a should not be installed but only compiled so I have to use 'noinst_' in lib_foo/ That's why I get stucked here.
Any answers will be appreciated. Thanks for your help!
The problem is that you're using recursive automake, and in this case, dependencies crossing directory paths will just not resolve to extra rules: main/
does not know how to make targets in lib_foo
The quick fix up is to change your SUBDIRS
declaration in the top-level
SUBDIRS = lib_foo main
This way main/mystery_foo
will only be built after lib_foo
and its targets are built. Of course this does not allow you to just make
in main/
and have it work.
The other suggestion from the previous post, to use non-recursive automake is a more proper solution, because then all the dependencies can be resolved from a single