I'm trying to check if an object has a skinCluster on it. My code is pretty basic. Here's an example:
joint = cmds.joint()
skinnedSphere = cmds.polySphere(r=2)
notSkinnedSphere = cmds.polySphere(r=2)
skinTestList = [skinnedSphere, notSkinnedSphere]
# Bind the joint chain that contains joint1 to pPlane1
# and assign a dropoff of 4.5 to all the joints
cmds.skinCluster( joint, skinnedSphere, dr=4.5)
for obj in skinTestList:
objHist = cmds.listHistory(obj, pdo=True)
skinCluster = cmds.ls(objHist, type="skinCluster")
if skinCluster == "":
print(obj + " has NO skinCluster, skipping.")
print obj, skinCluster
#cmds.select(obj, d=True)
My issue is that even if it can't find a skincluster, it still prints out the "obj, skincluster" rather than the error that it can't find a skinCluster.
I thought a skinCluster returns a string. So if the string is empty, it should print out the error rather than "obj, skincluster".
Any help would be appreciated!
This is a classic Maya issue -- the problem is that Maya frequently wants to give you lists, not single items, even when you know the result ought to be a single item. This means you end up writing a bunch of code to either get one item from a one-item list or to avoid errors that come from trying to get an index into an empty list.
You've got the basics, it's the == ""
which is messing you up:
for obj in skinTestList:
objHist = cmds.listHistory(obj, pdo=True)
skinCluster = cmds.ls(objHist, type="skinCluster") or [None]
cluster = skinCluster[0]
print obj, cluster
The or [None]
guarantees that you'll always get a list with something in it so it's safe to use the [0]
to get the single value. None is a good return value here because (as pointed out in the comments) you can if cluster:
and skip empty values.