I try to clone a project from Bitbucket into Android Studio. The project was originally published from Eclipse.
But I get the error:
Clone failed. Failed to start Git process.
What I have done so far:
Installed a Bitbucket plugin: https://bitbucket.org/dmitry_cherkas/jetbrains-bitbucket-connector/downloads (http://www.goprogramming.space/connecting-android-studio-project-with-bitbucket/)
Then VCS -> checkout from Version Control -> Bitbucket
I get a login screen. I logged into Bitbucket and I could see the list of my projects (WOW!) Then selecting a project and press ok. -> Clone failed. Failed to start Git process.
Any help on how I can clone a Bitbucket repository?
The 3rd party for bitbucket plugin on android studio seems not work. You can try below steps to clone a bitbucket repo:
VCS -> Git -> clone -> paste bitbucket URL repo -> clone.
It can clone successfully.