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A "progress bar" Form in ms-access will not update when its properties are changed from a loop in a module

I am trying to have a dialog form, or rather a dialog-looking form displayed while importing a big quantity of data in my access database, from a "Document Control Process" excel workbook I get an update of every month. It takes up to15 min to import, so I want to show the user a progress dialog showing what is happening, together with a button to interrupt the process before the end if he wants (this is also hugely useful will debugging my procedure).

I have a normal module in which a procedure displays the form and sets it current properties (title, the caption of a label explaining the current operation, the progress bar which in this case are two labels of which I adjust the captions and the sizes). Then it starts the loop to import each document, and in each iteration it updates the form to display the progress.

Except that the forms shows, the title is set and then it freezes until the whole info has been imported 15 minutes later. I have tried adding a few DoEvents in the module (even an lot of them when the few first ones didn't work) but to no avail.

Has someone struggled with that before and could help me? I have looked for it for days now in Stack Overflow and more widely on the net, but this specific issue seems never to be referenced... I mean there is a lot of solutions for progress dialog, which somehow never seem to suffer from that update issue while I get hit by it every single time. I suspect a thread related problem but I just can't pin it.


  • Now I have finally been able to find a way to display a generic progress dialog that can be called from anywhere and won't freeze. Thank you SunKnight0 for your comment that sent me on the right path, and to Adams Tips for his answer to the question "Progress bar in in ms-access".

    The following description is a bit lengthy, but I think it provides everything needed to implement the progress dialog.

    So here's the trick. I include the full solution, so you just have to copy the code in your modules to get it to work. the dialog displays details of what is currently being done, indicates the time elapsed and an estimation of the remaining processing time, and provides a way to cleanly interrupt the process before the end if needed (also handy when debugging your process).

    The solution is composed of a form, called FrmProgress here, and a module ModProgress. You call the methods from the module from wherever you want, like you would do for a class, and it handles the form and makes sure that it is updated and won't freeze. For the progress bar itself I am using Adam's class clsLblProg, here renamed CProgressLabel. It is not mandatory but I like the result. This was made for Access but it can easily be exported to Excel.

    The secret is that the loop is handled in ModProgress, in the thread of the modal form. At each iteration the module calls a procedure which name is given at the start. At the end, before closing the form, the module can call another procedure once. I use it to display a messagebox recapitulating what was done and, at debug time, the total time elapsed. These two procedures are called using Application.Run, so they need to be in a normal module, not in a form or a class module.

    How to use it:

    'this starts the progress popup as modal, so we are pass this line only when the progress is completed and the popup closed
    ModProgress.ProgressStart nbIteration, "Importing Dcp...", "Starting import...", "DcpImportUnit", "DcpImportStop", True, True

    This starts the progress dialog for nbIteration loops, with the title "Importing Dcp...", the initial message "Starting import...". At each iteration the dialog will call the public procedure "DcpImportUnit", at the end it will call the public procedure "DcpImportStop". The elapsed time will be displayed and updated at each iteration. The remaining time will be displayed and updated updated at each iteration.

    You will need a form (here called FrmProgress) designed like this:

    FrmProgress design

    In design mode, set the form's Pop Up property to Yes, and the Modal property to No. It is normal that no progress bar is visible, as CProgressLabel uses LblBack, LblFront and LblCaption to make one at runtime.

    The code of the form is as follow:

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub CmdStop_Click()
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
      Me.TimerInterval = 200
      Me.LblBack.Caption = " "
      ModProgress.ProgressInitiate LblBack, LblFront, LblCaption, LblTitle, LblMessage, LblElapsed, LblRemaining
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Timer()
      Me.TimerInterval = 0
    End Sub

    Then the nice class from Adam, with virtually no modification (I only replaced the direct color values in the Update method by RGBs, with I find clearer):

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    ' By Adam Waller
    ' Last Modified:  12/16/05
    'Private Const sngOffset As Single = 1.5    ' For Excel
    Private Const sngOffset As Single = 15      ' For Access
    Private mdblMax As Double   ' max value of progress bar
    Private mdblVal As Double   ' current value of progress bar
    Private mdblFullWidth As Double ' width of front label at 100%
    Private mdblIncSize As Double
    Private mblnHideCap As Boolean  ' display percent complete
    Private mobjParent As Object    ' parent of back label
    Private mlblBack As Access.Label     ' existing label for back
    Private mlblFront As Access.Label   ' label created for front
    Private mlblCaption As Access.Label ' progress bar caption
    Private mdteLastUpdate As Date      ' Time last updated
    Private mblnNotSmooth As Boolean    ' Display smooth bar by doevents after every update.
    ' This class displays a progress bar created
    ' from 3 labels.
    ' to use, just add a label to your form,
    ' and use this back label to position the
    ' progress bar.
    Public Sub Initialize(BackLabel As Access.Label, FrontLabel As Access.Label, CaptionLabel As Access.Label)
      On Error GoTo 0    ' Debug Mode
      Dim objParent As Object ' could be a form or tab control
      Dim frm As Form
      Set mobjParent = BackLabel.Parent
      ' set private variables
      Set mlblBack = BackLabel
      Set mlblFront = FrontLabel
      Set mlblCaption = CaptionLabel
      ' set properties for back label
      With mlblBack
        .Visible = True
        .SpecialEffect = 2  ' sunken. Seems to lose when not visible.
      End With
      ' set properties for front label
      With mlblFront
        mdblFullWidth = mlblBack.Width - (sngOffset * 2)
        .Left = mlblBack.Left + sngOffset
        .Top = mlblBack.Top + sngOffset
        .Width = 0
        .Height = mlblBack.Height - (sngOffset * 2)
        .Caption = ""
        .BackColor = 8388608
        .BackStyle = 1
        .Visible = True
      End With
      ' set properties for caption label
      With mlblCaption
        .Left = mlblBack.Left + 2
        .Top = mlblBack.Top + 2
        .Width = mlblBack.Width - 4
        .Height = mlblBack.Height - 4
        .TextAlign = 2 'fmTextAlignCenter
        .BackStyle = 0 'fmBackStyleTransparent
        .Caption = "0%"
        .Visible = Not Me.HideCaption
        .ForeColor = 16777215   ' white
      End With
      Exit Sub
      Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
          LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Initialize", Erl
          Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
      End Select
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
      On Error GoTo 0    ' Debug Mode
      On Error Resume Next
      mlblFront.Visible = False
      mlblCaption.Visible = False
      On Error GoTo 0    ' Debug Mode
      Exit Sub
      Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
          LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Class_Terminate", Erl
          Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
      End Select
    End Sub
    Public Property Get Max() As Double
      On Error GoTo 0    ' Debug Mode
      Max = mdblMax
      Exit Property
      Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
          LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Max", Erl
          Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
      End Select
    End Property
    Public Property Let Max(ByVal dblMax As Double)
      On Error GoTo 0    ' Debug Mode
      mdblMax = dblMax
      Exit Property
      Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
          LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Max", Erl
          Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
       End Select
    End Property
    Public Property Get Value() As Double
      On Error GoTo 0    ' Debug Mode
      Value = mdblVal
      Exit Property
      Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
          LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Value", Erl
          Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
      End Select
    End Property
    Public Property Let Value(ByVal dblVal As Double)
      On Error GoTo 0    ' Debug Mode
      'update only if change is => 1%
      If (CInt(dblVal * (100 / mdblMax))) > (CInt(mdblVal * (100 / mdblMax))) Then
        mdblVal = dblVal
        mdblVal = dblVal
      End If
      Exit Property
      Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
          LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Value", Erl
          Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
      End Select
    End Property
    Public Property Get IncrementSize() As Double
      On Error GoTo 0    ' Debug Mode
      IncrementSize = mdblIncSize
      Exit Property
      Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
          LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "IncrementSize", Erl
          Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
      End Select
    End Property
    Public Property Let IncrementSize(ByVal dblSize As Double)
    On Error GoTo 0    ' Debug Mode
    mdblIncSize = dblSize
    Exit Property
      Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
          LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "IncrementSize", Erl
          Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
      End Select
    End Property
    Public Property Get HideCaption() As Boolean
      On Error GoTo 0    ' Debug Mode
      HideCaption = mblnHideCap
      Exit Property
      Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
          LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "HideCaption", Erl
          Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
      End Select
    End Property
    Public Property Let HideCaption(ByVal blnHide As Boolean)
      On Error GoTo 0    ' Debug Mode
      mblnHideCap = blnHide
      Exit Property
      Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
          LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "HideCaption", Erl
          Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
      End Select
    End Property
    Private Sub Update()
      On Error GoTo 0    ' Debug Mode
      Dim intPercent As Integer
      Dim dblWidth As Double
      'On Error Resume Next
      intPercent = mdblVal * (100 / mdblMax)
      dblWidth = mdblVal * (mdblFullWidth / mdblMax)
      mlblFront.Width = dblWidth
      mlblCaption.Caption = intPercent & "%"
      'mlblFront.Parent.Repaint    ' may not be needed
      ' Use white or black, depending on progress
      If Me.Value > (Me.Max / 2) Then
        mlblCaption.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) ' white
        mlblCaption.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0) ' black
      End If
      If mblnNotSmooth Then
        If mdteLastUpdate <> Now Then
          ' update every second.
          mdteLastUpdate = Now
        End If
      End If
      Exit Sub
      Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
          LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Update", Erl
          Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
      End Select
    End Sub
    Public Sub Increment()
      On Error GoTo 0    ' Debug Mode
      Dim dblVal As Double
      dblVal = Me.Value
      If dblVal < Me.Max Then
        Me.Value = dblVal + 1
        'Call Update
      End If
      Exit Sub
      Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
          LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Increment", Erl
          Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
      End Select
    End Sub
    Public Sub Clear()
      On Error GoTo 0    ' Debug Mode
      Call Class_Terminate
      Exit Sub
      Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
          LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Clear", Erl
          Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
      End Select
    End Sub
    Private Function ParentForm(ctlControl As Control) As String
      ' returns the name of the parent form
      Dim objParent As Object
      Set objParent = ctlControl
      Do While Not TypeOf objParent Is Form
        Set objParent = objParent.Parent
      ' Now we should have the parent form
      ParentForm = objParent.Name
    End Function
    Public Property Get Smooth() As Boolean
      ' Display the progress bar smoothly.
      ' True by default, this property allows the call
      ' to doevents after every increment.
      ' If False, it will only update once per second.
      ' (This may increase speed for fast progresses.)
      ' negative to set default to true
      Smooth = mblnNotSmooth
    End Property
    Public Property Let Smooth(ByVal IsSmooth As Boolean)
      mblnNotSmooth = Not IsSmooth
    End Property
    Private Sub LogErr(objErr, strMod, strProc, intLine)
      ' For future use.
    End Sub

    Now the module ModProgress linking everything together:

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Private mStop As Boolean
    Private mMax As Long
    Private mTitleString As String
    Private mMessageString As String
    Private mProcCall As String
    Private mProcStop As String
    Private mWithTimeElapsed As Boolean
    Private mWithTimeRemaining As Boolean
    Private mTitle As Access.Label
    Private mMessage As Access.Label
    Private mPgr As CProgressLabel
    Private mElapsed As Access.Label
    Private mRemaining As Access.Label
    Private mDateStart As Date
    Private mCount As Long
    Public Property Get Message() As String
      If mMessage Is Nothing Then
        Message = ""
        Message = mMessage.Caption
      End If
    End Property
    Public Property Let Message(msg As String)
      If Not mMessage Is Nothing Then
        mMessage.Caption = msg
      End If
    End Property
    Public Sub ProgressInitiate(BackLabel As Access.Label, FrontLabel As Access.Label, CaptionLabel As Access.Label, TitleLabel As Access.Label, MessageLabel As Access.Label, ElapsedLabel As Access.Label, RemainingLabel As Access.Label)
      Set mTitle = TitleLabel
      Set mMessage = MessageLabel
      Set mPgr = New CProgressLabel
      Set mElapsed = ElapsedLabel
      Set mRemaining = RemainingLabel
      mTitle.Caption = mTitleString
      Message = mMessageString
      With mPgr
        .Initialize BackLabel, FrontLabel, CaptionLabel
        .Max = mMax
      End With
      mElapsed.Visible = mWithTimeElapsed
      mRemaining.Visible = mWithTimeRemaining
    End Sub
    Private Sub ProcRun(callProc As String)
      If callProc <> "" Then Application.Run callProc
    End Sub
    Private Sub ProcWait(Optional waitingTime As Single = 0.1)
      Dim sgTimer As Single
      sgTimer = Timer
      Do While Timer < sgTimer + waitingTime
    End Sub
    Public Function ProgressCount() As Long
      ProgressCount = mCount
    End Function
    Public Function ProgressStop() As Long
      mStop = True
      ProgressStop = mCount
    End Function
    Public Sub ProgressRun()
    For mCount = 0 To mPgr.Max
      'this allow to either interrupt the loop before the end or
      'or just runthe next iteration by calling the procedure given by the caller in ProgressStart
      If mStop Then
        ProcRun mProcStop
        Exit For
        If mWithTimeElapsed Then mElapsed.Caption = "Time elapsed: " & TimeElapsed
        If mWithTimeRemaining Then mRemaining.Caption = "Estimated time remaining: " & TimeRemaining
        If True Then
          ProcRun mProcCall
          Message = "Loop nr " & CStr(mCount)
        End If
      End If
      'leave the time for the application to manage the display of the popup after each update
      Next mCount
      If mCount > mPgr.Max Then ProcRun mProcStop 'runs the possible stop procedure if we reach the limit set for the loop execution
      DoCmd.Close acForm, "FrmProgress", acSaveNo 'this is the only place where we close the form
    End Sub
    Public Sub ProgressStart(vMax As Long, sTitle As String, sMessage As String, callProc As String, Optional callStop As String = "", Optional withTimeElapsed As Boolean = False, Optional withTimeRemaining As Boolean = True)
      mMax = vMax
      mStop = False
      mTitleString = sTitle 'this only store the title in a variable so far, it will be set on the label in ProgressRun
      mMessageString = sMessage 'this only store the title in a variable so far, it will be set on the label in ProgressRun
      mProcCall = callProc
      mProcStop = callStop
      mWithTimeRemaining = withTimeRemaining
      mWithTimeElapsed = withTimeElapsed
      mDateStart = Now
      'the next line opens the form, and its Load event will call this
      'module's ProgressRun procedure to start the whole shenanigan
      'it also only in ProgressRun that the form is closed
      DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmProgress"
    End Sub
    Public Sub ProgressUpdate(newMessage As String)
      mMessage.Caption = newMessage
    End Sub
    Public Property Get TimeElapsed() As String
      TimeElapsed = TimeToString(Now - mDateStart)
    End Property
    Public Property Get TimeRemaining() As String
      Dim iCount As Integer
      Dim dt As Date
      'we wait a few cycles to have a significant time reference
      If mCount < 5 Then
        TimeRemaining = ""
        dt = Now - mDateStart
        TimeRemaining = TimeToString(dt * ((mPgr.Max / mCount) - 1))
      End If
    End Property
    Private Function TimeToString(dt As Date) As String
      Dim intHours As Long
      Dim intMinutes As Long
      ' Calculate the time interval
      intHours = Int(CSng(dt * 24))
      intMinutes = Int(CSng(dt * 24 * 60)) - intHours * 60
      ' Format and print the time interval in hours, minutes and seconds.
      If intHours > 0 Then TimeToString = intHours & "h"
      If intMinutes > 0 Then TimeToString = TimeToString & intMinutes & "min"
      TimeToString = TimeToString & Format(dt, "ss") & "s"
    End Function

    That´s it! Copy this code in your modules and everything should go just smooth.

    Good coding to you all.