I'm trying to use a multiple foreach and if statements to give me a list of list of people that have not been matched. I have the below code, I am able to get this to successfully give me a list of people it does match.
What I want to do is it echo each the ID from the $tenant_id foreach that have not been found in the $value2 foreach, am I doing something wrong? It will only output nothing?
foreach($array_93 as $value) {
$tenant_id = $value['id'];
$limit = 0;
foreach($obj->response->entries as $value2) {
if($limit==1) break;
if ($value2->{100} == 'true' && $value2->{114} == $tenant_id)
{echo $value['id']; // This should echo ID's that have not been found.}
After continuing to try and get this working I have got to this point, I am able to to use this to show which ID's are all 'n' as per screenshot after. The first one is all n's so this has not matched, how can I now make just the ones with all n's ID show?
foreach($array_93 as $value) {
echo '<b>'.$value['id'].'</b>';
echo '<br />';
foreach($obj->response->entries as $value2) {
if (strpos($value2->{114}, $value['id']) === false)
echo '<i>n</i>';
} else {
echo '<b>Y</b>';
echo '<br />';
Use a flag with Y-found state:
foreach($array_93 as $value) {
$Yfound = false;
foreach($obj->response->entries as $value2) {
if (strpos($value2->{114}, $value['id']) !== false) {
$Yfound = true;
if(!$Yfound) {
echo $value['id'] . ' has n`s only<br>';