I am trying to emulate this curl request
curl "https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/uploads.json?filename=myfile.dat&token={optional_token}" \
-v -u {email_address}:{password} \
-H "Content-Type: application/binary" \
--data-binary @file.dat -X POST
with the following code
(POST "/uploads" request
(let [filename (get-in request [:params "file" :filename])
file (get-in request [:params "file" :tempfile])
url (str "https://REDACTED.zendesk.com/api/v2/uploads.json?filename=" filename)]
(clj-http.client/post url {:headers {"Content-Type" “application/binary”}
:multipart-params [{:name "file"
:content file
:mime-type "application/binary”}]})
but I am getting a ‘422 Unprocessable Entity’ response from Zendesk. The file/tempfile is coming in as #object[java.io.File 0x3768306f "/var/folders/l3/7by17gp51sx2gb2ggykwl9zc0000gn/T/ring-multipart-6501654841068837352.tmp"]
on the request.
I have played with clojure.java.io coercions (like clojure.java.io/output-stream
) as mentioned at Saving an image form clj-http request to file, but that didn't help.
(PS. I’m fairly certain I don’t need to auth because I can get the direct upload to Zendesk to work through Postman.)
After revisiting this, the solution was simple. Zendesk expects the request body to be binary (as the curl request indicates). So, in this case, I passed the image to my server as base64 encoded data (just as JSON).
I then used this library to convert the base64 string to a byte array: https://github.com/xsc/base64-clj
(defn byte-array-from-base64
(base64/decode-bytes (.getBytes base64-string)))
Finally, you can simple pass the byte array to Zendesk as the body of the clj-http library request.
{:headers {"Authorization" "Basic AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN"
"Content-Type" "application/binary"}
:body (byte-array-from-base64 base64-string)})