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Issue Avoiding Js Alert in Cefsharp browser

I am trying to avoid js alert on a page as it breaks the flow and the browser is stuck on that page until the popup is clicked.

I added Class as shown on sample:

public class JsDialogHandler : IJsDialogHandler
    public bool OnJSDialog(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, string originUrl, CefJsDialogType dialogType, string messageText, string defaultPromptText, IJsDialogCallback callback, ref bool suppressMessage)
        return true;

    public bool OnJSBeforeUnload(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, string message, bool isReload, IJsDialogCallback callback)
        return true;

    public void OnResetDialogState(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser)


    public void OnDialogClosed(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser)


And i assign to the Chromium browser as:

  CefSharp.Cef.Initialize(new CefSharp.CefSettings());

                browser = new CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser(CustomLinks[0].ToString());

                JsDialogHandler jss = new JsDialogHandler();
                browser.JsDialogHandler = jss;

The thing is when alert is supposed to show it does run the OnJSDialog event. But then the browser turns white and is just stuck and trying to find a way around but not much is available online..

Any suggestions?


  • In the OnJSDialog method of your handler, make sure that you call Continue(...) on the callback:

    public bool OnJSDialog(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, string originUrl, CefJsDialogType dialogType, string messageText, string defaultPromptText, IJsDialogCallback callback, ref bool suppressMessage) {
      return true;