Hi i have this link to get the current user position by GPS. Its part of a form script i made getting diferent codes from different places.
when pressing the button it shows a paragraph with coordinates.
<button onclick="getLocation()">Obtener coordenadas de GPS del movil</button>
<p id="demo"></p>
var x = document.getElementById("demo");
function getLocation() {
if (navigator.geolocation) {
} else {
x.innerHTML = "Geolocation is not supported by this browser.";
function showPosition(position) {
x.innerHTML = position.coords.latitude + "," + position.coords.longitude;
But i want to populate this field in the form:
<div id="formDiv">
<!-- Form div will be hidden after form submission -->
<form id="myForm">
Ubicacion: <input name="ubicacion" type="text" size="64" /><br/>
anyone knows if its posible? tryed several things, but none working, till i dont know much of javascript.
this is the form: site
At pressing "obtener coordenadas del GPS" it should fill the "Ubicacion" imput field.
Got it! i should have used another formula: .value
not .innerHTML
<button onclick="getLocation()">Obtener coordenadas de GPS del movil</button><br/>
function getLocation() {
if (navigator.geolocation) {
} else {
document.getElementById("ub").value = "Geolocation is not supported by this browser.";
function showPosition(position) {
document.getElementById("ub").value =
position.coords.latitude + "," + position.coords.longitude;
seems that also using var x =
doesnt work
Ubicacion: <input name="ubicacion" type="text" size="64" /><br/>