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how to pass cellrange to a user defined macro paramenter

i would like to work with cellranges within my macro.

Function SumIfColor(SumRange)
    Dim oRange as object
    Dim oSheet as object

    ' Get Access to the Active Spreadsheet
    oSheet = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet

    ' Get access to the Range listed in Sum Range
    oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName(SumRange).RangeAddress
End Function

The question is how can I call this function with real cellRange object instead of String. Because getCellRangeByName works only with String variable. Because when I call the function like this


I got the following error: "Object variable not set"

I read some hint here but it did not helped me.


  • It is not possible to pass an actual CellRange object. One solution is to pass the row and column number, similar to the second part of @Axel Richter's answer in the link:

    Function SumIfColor(lcol1, lrow1, lcol2, lrow2)
        sum = 0
        oCellRange = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(_
        For lCol = 0 To oCellRange.Columns.Count -1
         For lRow = 0 To oCellRange.Rows.Count -1
            oCell = oCellRange.getCellByPosition(lCol, lRow)
            If oCell.CellBackColor > -1 Then
                sum = sum + oCell.Value
            End If
        SumIfColor = sum
    End Function

    To call it:


    The sum will be recalculated whenever a value in the range B1:B3 is changed, because of COLUMN(B1:B3). However, apparently changing only the color of a cell does not cause it to be recalculated.