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How can i read the ID3v2 tag from the MP3 file in Perl

How can i read the ID3v2 tag from the provided MP3 and print all information in Perl? Sample Code will be appreciated


  • Some thing that worked for me might not be the best solution.

    my $myFile = shift or die "Usage: perl task3 <file.mp3>\n";
    open myMP3File, "<$myFile" or die "Error! cant open file \n";#open mode read
    binmode(myMP3File); #read in binary mode.
    #read file and place it in buffer string
    my $length = 512;
    read (myMP3File, my $buffer, $length);
    print "Displaying ID3v2 Header for " .$myFile.": \n";
    my $tagHeader = substr($buffer, 0, 10);#first 10 bytes.
    my ($IDtag, $version, $revision, $flag, $size) = unpack('A3 h h h N4',$tagHeader);
    print "TagID    : $IDtag\n";
    print "Version  : $version\n";
    print "Revision : $revision\n";
    print "Flags    : $flag\n";
    print "Size     : $size\n";
    my $len = 0;
    my $ptr1 = 0;
    my $ptr2 = 0;
    #Reading frames after header
    while (1)
        #reading 10 bytes for each frame and adding 10 bytes for next frame 
        $ptr1 += 10+$len;
        $ptr2 = $ptr1+10;
        #reading frame header contains 4bytes frame ID,4 bytes frame size, 2 bytes flags
        my $frameHeader = substr($buffer,$ptr1,10);
        # A null/space padding string, N 16/32 bit value(big-ending) , h hexadecimal string
        my($frameID, $frameSize, $flags) = unpack('A4 N4 h2',$frameHeader);
        #TALB:album-name,TCON:content-type,TIT2:title,TPE1:Artist, TRCK:Track Number,TYER: year
        if (($frameID eq 'TALB') || ($frameID eq 'TCON') || ($frameID eq 'TIT2') || ($frameID eq  'TPE1') || ($frameID eq 'TRCK') || ($frameID eq  'TYER'))
        my $readFrame = substr($buffer, $ptr2, $frameSize);#reading frame content
        my $myFrame = unpack('A*($frameSize)', $readFrame);
        print "$frameID : $myFrame \n";#frame info
        $len=$frameSize;#save pointer location.
        { die "Ends Here \n"; }