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How to find employee of system user

I have a form that must be triggered from the Info class startupPost method, as it has to verify a condition, and if the condition is true (if it's the user's birthday), then trigger my form.
The only way I found to verify the BDay of the user is to take it from the EmplTable. Also, I need to relate something between the EmplTable and UserInfo or SysUserInfo tables in order to give me the user ID.

The problem is that I didn't find a proper way to relate the tables, because in my EmplTable I have a DEL_userId field which is NOT populated and not used.

In conclusion my if block from the following chunk of code does not get executed.

Also I left The emplTable variable intentionally not declared, as I am not sure what's the best way to declare it.

Thanks in advance for any ideas guys!

void startupPost()
    EmplTable           emplTable     ; //intentionally left undeclared

    int                 dayOfBirth    = dayOfMth(emplTable.BirthDate);
    int                 monthOfBirth  = mthOfYr(emplTable.BirthDate);
    int                 dayOfMonth    = dayOfMth(systemdateget());
    int                 monthOfYear   = mthOfYr(systemdateget());
    str                 emplName      =;
    Args                args          = new Args(); //formrun
    FormRun             formrun;

    if (dayOfBirth == dayOfMonth && monthOfBirth == monthOfyear )
        info("ok"); //just to verify if my loop is working
        new MenuFunction(menuitemDisplayStr(NET_PALIN_001_HBDay),   MenuItemType::Display).run();
        //        formRun = classFactory.formRunClass(args);
        //        formRun.init();


  • Have a look at the table SysCompanyUserInfo which maps system users from UserInfo to employees of EmplTable.
    Below is an example to find the associated record of EmplTable (if it exists) for the current user

    static void FindCurUserEmplTable(Args _args)
        EmplId emplId;
        EmplTable emplTable;
        emplId = EmplTable::userId2EmplId(curuserid());
        if (emplId != '')
            emplTable = EmplTable::find(emplId);
            // ... your birthday logic