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wrapping text in a latex table without block

I have a table on a page in a LaTeX document like this on it:

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{X | p{4.6cm} | p{3cm}}
    & & \\
    & drop variable \syntaxConcept{}; & some very long content in order to produce a high box \\
    & & \\

The cell in the middle produces the following output:
wrong output

Now I tried two things:

  • Getting the content in all cells to a vertical align top and
  • Getting the text not wrapped like a block text

So the result should be like this:
correct output

But I am not able to get this kind of result. The p{width} always produces a wrapping block text and a normal l has no width parameter.


  • Try using \raggedright. And have a look at the answer to this related question on