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Delete all elements of a certain type from an XML doc using PHP

I have what should be an easy task: delete <places> nodes and their descendants from an XML document, leaving other nodes.

I tried this code, but it did not work ...

$document->preserveWhiteSpace = false; 
$books = $xpath->query('piletilve_info/places');
//echo "4";

foreach ($books as $places) {
    while($places->hasChildNodes()) {


Source XML to be processed:

   <other node>
   </other node>

In the actual data there are more nodes that aren't places, but for simplicity this example shows only a few.

I saw C# examples, but I do not manage to port code to PHP.

Clarification : in code snippet, the variable $books is just a holder for the queried list. The name has no meaning.


  • Goal is to delete whole node leaving other nodes ( in actual there are more, but for simplicity this example shows all

    $dom = new DOMDocument;
    foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('places') as $places)
    echo $dom->saveXml();

    will remove all <places> elements anywhere in the document, including any children.


    <?xml version="1.0"?>