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Android WebView JavaScript callbacks fail in APK without Proguard

I'm exposing @JavascriptInterface callbacks for a WebView which work just fine when debugging the app via Android Studio, however if the app is installed via APK the JavaScript callbacks fail with:

"Uncaught TypeError: NativeApp.onProgress is not a function"

I'm aware that improper Proguard rules can result in this problem, but in this case the project is not using Proguard and the problem occurs with debug and release APKS.

If I inspect the APKs, the methods are present.

public class MyServiceWithEmbeddedWebView {    

    public createWebview() {
    webView.addJavascriptInterface(this, "NativeApp");

    void onProgress(int loaded, int total) {


Any ideas?


  • Changing the scope of the @JavascriptInterface methods to public solved the problem.

    So this works for an APK install:

    public void onProgress(int loaded, int total) {
        // this is public

    This does NOT work for an APK install, but works like a champ when deployed by the Android Studio debugger:

    void onProgress(int loaded, int total) {
        // this is NOT public

    How annoying!