I need a function that identifies the end of token so that i can save in it an array and send it to my automata for identification(Operator,Keyword,Identifiers)
the automata is working great when i enter only 1 token , but when there is `lots of tokens including spaces it doesn't work , i need this function to remove spaces and stops at the end of each token and send each token in array to my automata function, i'am stuck..
I'am using C
ex: ABC + D
: ABC token 1
: + token 2
: D token 3
ex2: ABC++D12*/z (ABC,+,+,D12,*,/,z) 7 tokens ex3: AD ++ - C (AD,+,+,-,C) 5 tokens
edit: i'am not using any tool , only c with Deterministic finite automaton
void lirelexeme(char chaine[500]){
int i,j=0,k;
char tc,tc2;
char lexeme[500];memset(lexeme,0,500);
tc=chaine[i]; // terme courant
tc2=chaine[i+1]; // terme suivant
if(tc!=' ' && tc!='\0' && tc!='\n'&& tc!='\t'){
if((tc==':' && tc2=='=') || (tc=='>' && tc2=='=') || (tc=='<' && tc2=='=') || (tc=='<' && tc2=='>')){ // ex: a:= / >= / <=
j=0; // préparer pour recevoir le nouveau lexeme
i++; // on évite de prendre tc2
here is the function that will split the tokens , use puts() instead of lex() to see the result
note : lex() is lexical analyser function i made, that will take token as argument and give you as return its type ( constant , identifier , keyword , arithmetique operator , logical op...)