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Error thrown in Google's Inception-v3 fine-tuning script

When following the Readme to fine-tune Google's Inception-v3 image classification model, I get the error:

File "/Path/to/Model/bazel-bin/inception/flowers_train.runfiles/inception/inception/slim/", line 88, in batch_norm initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), TypeError: zeros_initializer() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)

This occurs after running the final command:

   bazel-bin/inception/flowers_train \
  --train_dir="${TRAIN_DIR}" \
  --data_dir="${FLOWERS_DATA_DIR}" \
  --pretrained_model_checkpoint_path="${MODEL_PATH}" \
  --fine_tune=True \
  --initial_learning_rate=0.001 \

I have 0 idea whats going on here as this error gets thrown from a python file written by the TF team. Additionally, being a TF newbie, I do not know my way around enough to attempt a deep debugging session. Just by looking at the path from the error, there might be an issue with the script running TF slim code?

Anyhow, I am running macOS Sierra with Python 3.6 and the TensorFlow Python API r0.12.


  • So turns out this error was thrown if the current installation of tensorflow did not have the most recent tensorflow-slim code. Install directions here.