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Distinguish a 32bit from a 64bit PE object file generated by cl.exe (Visual Studio C++)

Given two PE object files from cl.exe, one 32bit and one 64bit, how can I tell one from the other without resorting to unix utilities, and preferably on the commandline (cmd.exe or powershell)?

C:\> "...\VC\bin\cl.exe" -c test.c           -Fotest32.obj
C:\> "...\VC\bin\x86_amd64\cl.exe" -c test.c -Fotest64.obj

If I install msys2 the file utility can sortof make sense of it:

$ file test*.obj
test32.obj: Intel 80386 COFF object file, not stripped, 3 sections, [...]
test64.obj: data

file --version is 5.28, but the newer 5.25 does not do any better. msys2 does not offer an objdump.exe, but when copied to Linux it could properly tell these two files apart:

$ objdump -a test64.obj
test64.obj:     file format pe-x86-64
$ objdump -a test32.obj
test32.obj:     file format pe-i386

Something which does better than file and is available via msys2's pacman might also be interesting.


  • The most straight forward way is to use Microsoft's DUMPBIN tool, passing the /HEADERS option, e.g.

    dumpbin /HEADERS cl.exe | findstr "machine"

    This produces the following output for a 64-bit image

                8664 machine (x64)

    or the following for a 32-bit image

                 14C machine (x86)
                       32 bit word machine