I have no idea what could be causing this. it looks like it could be a third party plugin.
my x-editable component
declare var $: any;
selector: 'x-editable',
template: '<a attr.id="{{widgetId}}" class="{{className}}"><ng-content></ng-content>{{model }}</a>'
export class XEditableComponent implements OnInit, AfterContentChecked {
@Input() model: any = '';
@Output() modelChange = new EventEmitter();
@Input() Name: string = '';
@Input() type: any = 'text';
@Input() value: any;
@Input() pk: any;
@Output() change = new EventEmitter();
public widgetId: any;
public widgetsCounter = 0;
private _options: any;
constructor(private el: ElementRef) {
this.widgetId = 'x-editable' + this.widgetsCounter++;
ngOnInit() {
ngAfterContentChecked() {
if (this._options && ['type',
].some((it) => {
return this._options[it] !== this[it];
})) {
render() {
let element = $(this.el.nativeElement);
let options = {
type: this.type,
placement: this.placement,
mode: this.mode,
value: this.value,
disabled: this.disabled,
placeholder: this.placeholder,
originalTitle: this.originalTitle,
source: this.source,
showbuttons: this.showbuttons,
template: this.template,
viewformat: this.viewformat,
format: this.format,
pk: this.pk,
element.on('save', (e, params) => {
this.model = params.newValue;
let data = {};
data['id'] = this.pk;
data[this.Name] = params.newValue;
this._options = options;
which emits to the
export class MenuTableSelectedFormComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() public selectedMenu: Menu;
@Output() public selectedMenuChange = new EventEmitter();
@Output() updatePage = new EventEmitter();
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() { }
updateMenuPage($event) {
// update the parent
which emits to its parent that saves the data (makes a request)
export class MenuTableListComponent {
@Input() public menus: any;
@Input() public selectedMenu: Menu;
@Output() public selectedMenuChange = new EventEmitter();
@Output() public showForm = new EventEmitter();
* @param $event - data from the child component for updating the model
updateMenuPage($event) {
let id = $event.id;
delete $event['id'];
// save the data here
this.page.update(id, $event)
.subscribe(res => {
this.notify.success('Menu Saved', 'Menu saved successfully!');
I'm using angular2-jwt to handle my http requests. the rest are my own services being that run http request through angular2-jwt.
Specifically this error happens when i emit the data (this.change.emit($event)) in x-editable component. then again, i've completely removed the x-editable component and just regularly bound an input field with [(ngModel)] and i get the same error which leads me to believe the binding is not the issue here.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'off' of null
at eval (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:6:28424)
at HTMLDivElement.d (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:6:25567)
at HTMLDivElement.e (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:3:5222)
at HTMLDivElement.handle (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:6:1043)
at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:3:7537)
at HTMLDivElement.r.handle (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:3:5620)
at Object.trigger (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:4:4818)
at HTMLDivElement.eval (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:4:5328)
at Function.each (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:2:2861)
at n.fn.init.each (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:2:845)
at n.fn.init.trigger (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:4:5304)
at e (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:6:743)
at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:275)
at Object.onInvokeTask (ng_zone.js:262)
at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:274)
the thing is this error looks to me something to do with incorrect importing?
I'm not sure if this is the cause but i managed to fix it by removing the AfterContentChecked implementation.
declare var $: any;
selector: 'x-editable',
template: '<a attr.id="{{widgetId}}" class="{{className}}"><ng-content></ng-content>{{model }}</a>'
export class XEditableComponent implements OnInit, AfterContentChecked {
@Input() model: any = '';
@Output() modelChange = new EventEmitter();
@Input() Name: string = '';
@Input() type: any = 'text';
@Input() value: any;
@Input() pk: any;
@Output() change = new EventEmitter();
public widgetId: any;
public widgetsCounter = 0;
private _options: any;
constructor(private el: ElementRef) {
this.widgetId = 'x-editable' + this.widgetsCounter++;
ngOnInit() {
ngAfterContentChecked() {
if (this._options && ['type',
].some((it) => {
return this._options[it] !== this[it];
})) {
render() {
let element = $(this.el.nativeElement);
let options = {
type: this.type,
placement: this.placement,
mode: this.mode,
value: this.value,
disabled: this.disabled,
placeholder: this.placeholder,
originalTitle: this.originalTitle,
source: this.source,
showbuttons: this.showbuttons,
template: this.template,
viewformat: this.viewformat,
format: this.format,
pk: this.pk,
element.on('save', (e, params) => {
this.model = params.newValue;
declare var $: any;
selector: 'x-editable',
template: '<a attr.id="{{widgetId}}" class="{{className}}"><ng-content></ng-content>{{model }}</a>'
export class XEditableComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() model: any = '';
@Output() modelChange = new EventEmitter();
@Input() Name: string = '';
@Input() type: any = 'text';
@Input() placement: any;
@Input() value: any;
@Input() mode: any;
@Input() disabled: any = false;
@Input() placeholder: any;
@Input() originalTitle: any;
@Input() source: any;
@Input() showbuttons: any;
@Input() template: any;
@Input() viewformat: any;
@Input() format: any;
@Input() className: any;
@Input() pk: any;
@Output() change = new EventEmitter();
public widgetId: any;
public widgetsCounter = 0;
private _options: any;
constructor(private el: ElementRef) {
this.widgetId = 'x-editable' + this.widgetsCounter++;
ngOnInit() {
render() {
let element = $(this.el.nativeElement);
let options = {
type: this.type,
placement: this.placement,
mode: this.mode,
value: this.value,
disabled: this.disabled,
placeholder: this.placeholder,
originalTitle: this.originalTitle,
source: this.source,
showbuttons: this.showbuttons,
template: this.template,
viewformat: this.viewformat,
format: this.format,
pk: this.pk,
element.on('save', (e, params) => {
this.model = params.newValue;
let data = {};
data['id'] = this.pk;
data[this.Name] = params.newValue;
this._options = options;
I'm no longer getting the error...