i have used a domian rule : ['|',('user_id','=',user.id),('message_partner_ids','child_of',[user.commercial_partner_id.id])]
under "Personal lead" record rule and object is "Lead/Opportunity" and while clicking on a lead as user i get an error: raise ValueError("Invalid field %r in leaf %r" % (left, str(leaf)))
ValueError: Invalid field 'user_id' in leaf ""
i know user_id does not belong to mail.followers model and so i see this error. should i change my domain rule?
my prior requirement is my users to see both -Leads that has them as salesperson -Leads that they follow but has different salesperson
above mentioned domain rule does satisfy that requirement , it lists all the leads but opening them gives me an error.
my prior requirement is my users to see both -Leads that has them as salesperson -Leads that they follow but has different salesperson
You do not need to add a rule, this functionality is already supported. The owner of the lead or someone who has access to it can add them as followers on the bottom by clicking the Add Followers and they will be able to see the document.