Looking at this function as an example:
def receive = {
case "test" => log.info("received test")
case _ => log.info("received unknown message")
What object is being matched on? On the right hand side of the arrows, how can I refer to the object being matched on?
You can do it with an if-guard:
def receive: String => Unit = {
case str if str == "test" => println(str)
case _ => println("other")
Option("test").map(receive) // prints "test"
Option("foo").map(receive) // prints "other"
Note that if you have an object that you want to refer to, then stuff like e.g. foo: Foo(s)
won't work (foo: Foo
will, but then you lose the reference to Foo's value s
). In that case you need to use the @
case class Foo(s: String)
def receive: Foo => Unit = {
case foo@Foo(s) => println(foo.s) // could've referred to just "s" too
case _ => println("other")
Option(Foo("test")).map(receive) // prints "test"