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Displaying a DateInterval in Twig

I'm trying to display a DateInterval in Twig using the following code:

{{ event.endTime.diff(event.startTime)|date("i's''") }}

where event is an Entity who get 2 DateTime object: endTime and startTime. With that command I've got this output:


Instead of min'sec'' like 08'15''

It is said in the date doc that

The date filter accepts [...] DateInterval instances

This work to display min and sec from a date object.

Note that doing: {{ (event.endTime.diff(event.startTime))|date("i's''") }} doesn't change anything

I also tried {{ date(event.endTime.diff(event.startTime))|date("i's''") }} but this lead to an exception Object of class DateInterval could not be converted to string

I've also seen time_diff from Twig Extensions but this return a string (in or ago) instead of a Date object, then I can't display it as I want.

Let me know if you need more informations. Thank you for your help.


  • As @Yoshi said:

    (new \DateTime('tomorrow'))->diff(new \DateTime('now'))->format("i's''") also gives "i's''", so I'd say this is not a twig-thing. From the manual:

    "The following characters are recognized in the format parameter string. Each format character must be prefixed by a percent sign (%)."

    So to fix my proble I just had to do:

    {{ event.endTime.diff(event.startTime)|date("%i'%s''") }}