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How to use Visual Studio Text Visualizer for custom types?

In Visual Studio 2015 (and in some older versions) when debugging C# code it's possible to display the values of the string variables in various visualizers (Text, XML, HTML, JSON) via a drop-down list with a magnifying glass icon. This also works for some non-string types, for example, System.Xml.Linq.XElement. Is it possible to use these build-in visualizers to display the value of a variable of my own custom type?


I need to be able to quickly check the state of a complicated custom type that can be acceptably visualized only in a multi-line text environment.


  • If I understand your question correctly, then you can achieve what you're after with a DebuggerTypeProxy. It causes the debugger to create and display a proxy object whenever you're inspecting objects of your complex type.

    In the example below the proxy object contains a (multi-line) string property that you can view with the text visualizer. If you still need to look at the underlying object itself, then that's what the Raw view button is for.

    class ComplexType
        // complex state
    class ComplexTypeProxy
        public string Display
            get { return "Create a multi-line representation of _content's complex state here."; }
        private ComplexType _content;
        public ComplexTypeProxy(ComplexType content)
            _content = content;