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How to override default swgger-code-gen Service implementation?

I am new to swagger codegen and I use version 2.1.6. I am trying to generate rest service via yaml and swagger-codegen-maven. Below is part of pom.xml:

          <!--   <templateDirectory>How_do_I_use_it</templateDirectory> -->



ServiceImpl generated by swagger is:

import com.domain.servie.handler.*;
import com.domain.servie.model.*;

import com.domain.servie.model.InitSuccessResponse;
import com.domain.servie.model.FailureResponse;
import com.domain.servie.model.InitRequest;

import java.util.List;
import com.domain.servie.handler.NotFoundException;



@javax.annotation.Generated(value = "class io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavaResteasyServerCodegen", date = "2017-01-13T12:19:29.084-06:00")
public class InitWfApiServiceImpl extends InitWfApiService {

      public Response createProductPost(String apiKey,InitRequest body,SecurityContext securityContext)
      throws NotFoundException {
      // do some magic!
      return Response.ok().entity(new ApiResponseMessage(ApiResponseMessage.OK, "magic!")).build();


Here, instead of return Response.ok().entity(new ApiResponseMessage(ApiResponseMessage.OK, "magic!")).build();, I would like to map request processing to my own request handler and I don't want to hardcode it to rest api.

The idea is, rest-api is to be reusable (jar file). The system that includes rest-api as dependency jar will take care of building war. Packaging structure is a sort of stone carved requirement given to me. :)

Does anyone know how do I override this ServiceImpl code WITHOUT doing some crazy stuff like overriding DefaultCodeGen etc ? Is it possible to use templates to achieve this?

Any input will be gratefully appreciated.


  • The template that generates that part of the code is this one. You should be able to achieve the behaviour you need by changing the template.