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WordPress: Switch taxonomy entries between taxonomies

I have to migrate a WP site to another server but the custom taxonomies need to be moved around:

OLD taxonomy tree:

Post -> Topic (taxonomy)
            - Arts
            - Science
            - Politics

     -> Theme (taxonomy)
            - Insights
            - Ideas
            - Philosophy

NEW taxonomy tree:

Post -> Topic (taxonomy)
            - Arts
            - Ideas
            - Politics

     -> Theme (taxonomy)
            - Insights
            - Science
            - Philosophy

You'll notice the custom taxonomy items Science <=> Ideas have switched from one taxonomy to another. There are about 600 posts that have already taxonomies attached and I was wondering if there's a non-manual way to do this.

It would basically be to move a taxonomy entry to another taxonomy. Is this possible?


  • A plugin such as Taxonomy Switcher should be able to do this.