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Laravel : Dingo/API Pagination custom root key

I've developed an API with Laravel 5 and Dingo/API.

Following the documentation, i used pagination and my code look like that

$users = User::paginate(50);

return $this->response->paginator($users, new UserTransformer);

Unfortunately, the response root key is "data"

"data": [
  "id": 1,
  "username": "superuser", 

I'd like to change the "data" key to a custom one, because in my case, emberjs get this response and try to make a link with a "datum" model which doesn't exist, the key need to be set with the same name as the ember model in case of a RESTAdapter.

I already tried some parameters in the response but nothing change

return $this->response->paginator($users, new UserTransformer, ['key' => 'users']);


return $this->response->paginator($users, new UserTransformer, ['identifier' => 'users']);

Nothing work, i'm stuck with the "data" key.

Is someone have a solution ?

Thank you in advance.


  • I managed to fix my problem.

    I don't modify the api.php configuration, transformer stay the same

    'transformer' => env('API_TRANSFORMER', Dingo\Api\Transformer\Adapter\Fractal::class),

    Firstly i create a new serializer

    // app/Api/V1/Serializers/CustomJsonSerializer.php
    <?php namespace App\Api\V1\Serializers;
    use League\Fractal\Pagination\CursorInterface;
    use League\Fractal\Pagination\PaginatorInterface;
    use League\Fractal\Serializer\SerializerAbstract;
     * Create a new Serializer in your project
    use League\Fractal\Serializer\ArraySerializer;
    class CustomJsonSerializer extends ArraySerializer
        public function collection($resourceKey, array $data)
            if ($resourceKey === false) {
                return $data;
            return array($resourceKey ?: 'data' => $data);
        public function item($resourceKey, array $data)
            if ($resourceKey === false) {
                return $data;
            return array($resourceKey ?: 'data' => $data);

    And i set my new custom serializer inside the AppServiceProviders

    // app\Providers\AppServiceProviders.php
    namespace App\Providers;
    use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
    use Dingo\Api\Transformer\Adapter\Fractal;
    use League\Fractal\Manager;
    use App\Api\V1\Serializers\CustomJsonSerializer;
    class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
         * Bootstrap any application services.
         * @return void
        public function boot()
            $this->app['Dingo\Api\Transformer\Factory']->setAdapter(function ($app) {
                 $fractal = new Manager();
                 $fractal->setSerializer(new CustomJsonSerializer());
                 return new Fractal($fractal);
         * Register any application services.
         * @return void
        public function register()

    I hope it'll help ppl :)