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SSIS Script Task- Connecting the ADO.NET and populating DataTable

I need to connect to a SQL Server db thru a script task in order to populate a DataTable, I'm using ADO.Net provider/connection. However for the life of me I'm getting all sorts of errors. For example, when using the SqlAdapter I get an invalid object error, however the SqlCommand executes without errors in SSMS:

SqlConnection conn;
ConnectionManager cm;
SqlCommand cmd;

cm = Dts.Connections["AdoNet"];
conn = (SqlConnection)cm.AcquireConnection(Dts.Transaction);

using (conn)
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
    cmd.Connection = conn;
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    cmd.CommandText = queryString;
    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();
    da.SelectCommand = cmd;


  • Try the following code:

    Using(SqlConnection conn = (SqlConnection)Dts.Connections["AdoNet"].AcquireConnection(Dts.Transaction)){
    if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open){
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
    cmd.Connection = conn;
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    cmd.CommandText = queryString;
    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);