I am trying to figure out how to use Pundit with my Rails 5 app.
I have models for Proposal, Potential and User. The associations are:
has_many :potentials, inverse_of: :proposal
accepts_nested_attributes_for :potentials, reject_if: :all_blank, allow_destroy: true
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :proposal, inverse_of: :potentials
belongs_to :user
has_many :proposals, dependent: :destroy
has_many :potentials
I have pundit policies for each of these resources.
I am currently struggling to figure out how to implement rules so that potentials are only shown if rules are applied.
My potentials are rendered in a partial saved in my proposals view folder. It has:
<% @proposal.potentials.each do | pot | %>
<div class="panel">
<% if policy(pot).show? %>
<% if pot.private_comment == true %>
<p> <%= render :text => 'CONFIDENTIAL - NOT FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE' %></p>
<% end %>
<p><%= pot.comment %>
<p style = "color: navy; text-align:right"><%= pot.user.full_name %>, <%= pot.user.organisation.title.titleize %></p>
<p style="font-style:italic; color: #FFFFFF; float:right"><%= text_for_status(pot)%></p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
In my proposal controller, show action, I have:
before_action :set_proposal, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy ]
def show
@potentials = @proposal.potentials
# Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.
def set_proposal
@proposal = Proposal.find(params[:id])
authorize @proposal
In my potential policy, I define the rules for show as any of the 3 criteria listed being true:
class PotentialPolicy < ApplicationPolicy
def index?
def show?
true if record.private_comment != true ||
if record.private_comment == true && @current_user == record.user_id ||
if record.private_comment == true && @current_user == record.proposal.user_id
else false
def new?
def create?
def edit?
def update?
true if record.user_id == current_user.id
def destroy?
My expectation is that since I ask for the potential policy to be checked in the views/proposals/temporary_proposals.html.erb partial (above) and extracted below,
<% if policy(pot).show? %>
Note: pot is defined as @proposal.potential.
The only logical error I can see in this is that current user is the user rather than the user id. But, if I append ".id" to the end of current_user, I get an error that says "id is nil".
Pundit will look at the potential policy for that proposal and figure out whether to display the record or not.
This isnt right because when I save all this and try to render the proposal show, I can only see potentials where the :private_comment attribute is not true (but I do meet the criteria for the second and third qualifying permission (i.e. I created the potential and the proposal) - so I should be able to view that record).
My application policy has:
class ApplicationPolicy
attr_reader :user, :record
def initialize(user, record)
@user = user
@record = record
I understand this to mean that since my potential policy inherits from my application policy, I should be able to refer to @record to mean the record this policy is trying to handle. To me, that means I should be able to define the show action as:
def show?
true if record.private_comment != true ||
if record.private_comment == true && @current_user == @record.user ||
if record.private_comment == true && @current_user == @record.proposal.user
else false
But this gives the same incorrect result as the attempt above.
Can anyone see where I've got this wrong?
Unless I'm missing something, @current_user
isn't defined in your policies. How about simplifying your show?
def show?
return true unless record.private_comment?
return [ record.user_id, record.proposal.user_id ].include? user.id
I think building huge conditionals like you've done is a common trap when thinking through the guards for an action.
I find policy methods much easier to read and write if you consider the shortest possible paths to a failure or success of the guard independently up front. Follow these by weird edge cases, and finally a default (usually false
) if necessary.
This will lead to less duplication (like your repeated evaluation of record.private_comment == true
) and cleaner code.
It's also worth pointing out query methods exist for boolean attributes on rails models. That is how you are able to do record.private_comment?
instead of record.private_comment == true