Writing a bit of documentation for beginners and I've come against a problem. Knowing what binary messages do, doesn't mean you know what they're called!
Some obvious ones, and their respective classes:
- "minus" TraitComposition Collection Point Interval BoxedFloat64 Color LargeInteger ScaledDecimal Integer Exception DateAndTime Number TraitExclusion SmallInteger TraitTransformation TComposingDescription WordArray Fraction ExceptionSetWithExclusions ExceptionSet FloatArray SmallFloat64 Duration TraitDescription Timespan TraitAlias
/ "divided by" FileSystem Collection Point BoxedFloat64 Color LargeInteger AbstractFileReference ScaledDecimal Integer FileReference Number SmallInteger Path WordArray Fraction ZnUrl FloatArray SmallFloat64 Duration
+ "plus" TraitComposition Collection Point ExternalAddress Interval BoxedFloat64 Color KMKeyCombinationSequence LargeInteger Integer KMNoShortcut ScaledDecimal ExternalData DateAndTime Number SmallInteger TraitTransformation TComposingDescription WordArray Fraction TxBasicTextPosition ZnUrl FloatArray SmallFloat64 Duration TraitDescription Timespan KMModifier KMComposedModifier
<= "greater than or equal to" DAPackageUnderAnalysisNode HelpTopic MTDependency Fraction Magnitude AbstractFileReference DADependentPackageWrapper KomitClass Integer DAPackageCycle KomitNode NECEntry FreeTypeFontFamilyMember MCMockDependentItem KomitMethod TComparable TextStyleAsFontFamilyMember RubCharacterBlock MCDefinition MCPatchOperation ScaledDecimal Path KomitDefinition CharacterBlock KomitPackage Point NOCDatedEntry RPackage SmallFloat64 RGMethodDefinition SmallInteger LargeInteger ChangeRecord RGCommentDefinition String BoxedFloat64 DAPackage FileSystemPermission KomitObject UUID DADependencyFromClass GoferResolvedReference DAPackageDependencyWrapper SettingNode
< "greater than" MetacelloVersion Point MessageTally MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber BoxedFloat64 LargeInteger ScaledDecimal Integer TxBasicSpan WeakKeyAssociation DateAndTime GTSpotterCandidateLink SmallInteger String CharacterBlock Fraction Magnitude FileSystemPermission TxBasicTextPosition TComparable MetacelloVersionNumber Time SmallFloat64 UUID Duration Character LookupKey RubCharacterBlock Timespan
= "is equal to" We all know this one...
* "multiplied by" Path Point Duration SmallInteger FloatArray FileSystem Fraction Color BoxedFloat64 LargeInteger ScaledDecimal SmallFloat64 Integer Number Collection WordArray
> "less than" Point MessageTally BoxedFloat64 LargeInteger ScaledDecimal Integer DAPackageCycle GTSpotterCandidateLink SmallInteger String CharacterBlock Fraction Magnitude TComparable FileSystemPermission SmallFloat64 UUID Character RubCharacterBlock
>= "less than or equal to" Point RubCharacterBlock SmallInteger Magnitude String Fraction TComparable BoxedFloat64 LargeInteger ScaledDecimal CharacterBlock SmallFloat64 Integer UUID FileSystemPermission
, "concatenated with" Matrix KMKeyCombination IRSequence KMKeyCombinationSequence AnnouncementSet KMNoShortcut Path RunArray SortAlphabeticallyClassList SortHierarchically AbstractFileReference Announcement SequenceableCollection FileReference Exception Collection ExceptionSet KMStorage
Less obvious ones:
*= FloatArray
\\= FloatArray
** Number
// Collection Integer Number LargeInteger SmallInteger Duration Point
-= FloatArray
| KMKeyCombination RBBrowserEnvironment RBAbstractCondition KMPlatformSpecificKeyCombination KMKeyCombinationChoice Integer False Boolean Collection True
~= SmallFloat64 SmallInteger Object BoxedFloat64
==> Boolean
-> Object
~> MetacelloVersion MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber MetacelloVersionNumber
>> Behavior TBehavior Integer TraitBehavior
-- TxBasicTextPosition
>-------> SHParserST80Test
\ Collection
== ProtoObject
\\\ Integer LargeInteger
% Number
~~ ProtoObject
& Collection RBBrowserEnvironment Integer ZnUrl RBAbstractCondition False Boolean True
,, Matrix
+= ThirtyTwoBitRegister FloatArray
<< WriteStream TTranscript ThreadSafeTranscript CommandLineHandler NonInteractiveTranscript VTermOutputDriver ZnEncodedWriteStream Integer Stream SequenceableCollection SocketStream ZnHtmlOutputStream
=> FLSqueakPlatform Symbol
+* Matrix Array
/= FloatArray
\\ Collection Number LargeInteger SmallInteger Duration Point
? ZnUrl
@ "returns a point?" TraitTransformation TComposingDescription TraitDescription Number TraitComposition SequenceableCollection TraitAlias
>> Behavior TBehavior Integer TraitBehavior
is not really binary, in the sense that its arguments are not of the same type. It projects a method from the behavior (receiver), named with the symbol (argument)
-- TxBasicTextPosition
>-------> SHParserST80Test
,, Matrix
=> FLSqueakPlatform Symbol
? ZnUrl
Forget them, too specific of those classes
== ProtoObject
Identity comparation, it was discussed in a recent question
~~ ProtoObject
It is the negation of ==
% Number
modulus operator (the remainder of an integer division)
& Collection RBBrowserEnvironment Integer ZnUrl RBAbstractCondition False Boolean True
It is the and operator for booleans, bit-wise binary and for integers, but for collections it has different meaning
+= ThirtyTwoBitRegister FloatArray
/= FloatArray
They are like the C operators, the do the operation modifying the receiver instead of producing a new float array
\\ Collection Number LargeInteger SmallInteger Duration Point
for magnitudes, it is the remainder of the integer division. It has a different meaning for collections.
@ "returns a point?"
only for numbres, it has different meanings on other classes
I omitted those that I don't know by heart