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Combining case changing and substring variable expansion

If you append ^ to a variable, Bash capitalises the first letter of its contents. (Similarly, , sends it to lowercase and doubling-up either of these applies the transformation to the whole string, rather than just the first letter.)

foo="hello world"
echo ${foo^}  # Hello world

You can also do ${variable:position:length} to extract a substring:

echo ${foo:0:1}  # h

So far, I haven't found a way to combine these without, obviously, creating a temporary variable. Is there a form where I can get just the capitalised first letter out of an arbitrary string?


  • No. Parameter expansion operators do not compose, so if you want more than one side effect, you need a temporary variable (which can include overwriting the original value as shown by @fred) or an external tool to process the result of the expansion (as shown by @anubhava).

    Your other alternative is to use a different shell that does support more complicated operations, like zsh:

    % foo="hello world"
    % % print ${(U)${foo:0:1}}