I'm working with a survey for individuals in Ecuador and I want to analyse the characteristics of each household. Every individual has a houseID, so I guess I would need to group them using that variable while also creating some extra variables regarding their characteristics: for example, a dummy that is 1 if the household has two women or more. I will post an example below.
I would know how to do this in R (group_by), but I haven't found a similar command in Stata.
A simplified version of my data would be:
houseID femaleDummy maleDummy
10000000001 1 0
10000000001 1 0
10000000001 0 1
10000000002 0 1
10000000002 0 1
And I would like to get something like
houseID twoFemalesormoreDummy
10000000001 1
10000000002 0
very easy my friend
gen d_female = femaleDummy == 1
bysort houseID: egen total_female = total(d_female)
bysort houseID: gen dummy = total_female >= 2